Highlights - Asia
Reg Tech and Sup Tech Initiatives in Asia
Peiying Chua
We assisted Rinawati to create the 12-page document that outlines area of innovation in the application of financial technology (“fintech”) such as machine learning (“ML”), cloud computing and data analytics for regulatory and compliance requirements and reporting by regulated institutions (“RegTech”), and applications of fintech used by authorities for regulatory, supervisory and oversight purposes (“SupTech”).
The document was a reader-friendly Interactive PDF with buttons and navigations assisting readers to jump between pages and sections.
Directors Liability Client Publication Report
Jelita Pandjaitan
The 8-page comprehensive report was created to with intention to highlight issues rather than to provide comprehensive advice on Directors’ Criminal Liability for Corporate Offences in Asia.
This document was intended for print. Hence, we set the document to meet the print specifications for our clients.
Internal Margin Assistance Flyer
Chong Liew, Irene Xie
A recent example of a 2-page flyer set and proofread in Mandarin Chinese.
We now have Chinese capabilities in both Asia and UK teams with Amanda Fong (MY) and Patrick He (UK) both fluent in spoken and written Mandarin Chinese.